Saturday, 15 September 2012

Olive Oil - An Effective Acne Remedy

Acne is indeed pesky, and if the condition is too severe, it can be nightmarish! Its effect on your appearance may force you to stay aloof. Even if you're not that beauty-conscious, don't take acne lightly. It's true that it is the commonest skin condition, particularly during adolescence, and may vanish once your body attains a hormonal balance. But, did you know that early intervention is a surefire means to prevent aggravation and unsightly scars in future? Perhaps, you are baffled by the stack of remedies that you've heard of, or may be even tired of trying some. Here's a simple yet effective remedy based on olive oil, an excellent skin care product.

Most of us are well aware that olive oil has a lot of health and beauty benefits. You must have come across skin cleansers and moisturizers containing olive oil as an active ingredient. Have you ever thought how this oil works? Understanding this aspect will not only boost your confidence, but will also help you use the treatment in the right manner. Olive oil just facilitates self-healing. To put in simple words, it effectively removes grime, makeup, dead skin and anything that clogs your skin pores. As you know, clogged skin pores are the lone cause for acne. And, it's advisable to use extra virgin olive oil, the purest form of the oil with no additives or blends that may irritate your skin. Olive oil is an anti-oxidant and including it in your diet is also important.

Now, let's see how to use olive oil for acne problem and skin care. You can use it in your daily cleansing routine. Dip your fingers in a bowl of olive oil and rub it all over your face in a circular manner, massaging gently into your skin. Pay more attention to the problem spots, including acne scars. Gently massage around your eyes to reduce fine lines. After about a minute, place a hot towel on your face for a few minutes to open up your pores and blot up the excess oil from the skin. Repeat the step, but this time, wipe your face with a cloth to remove most of the oil, and then simply pat dry. Alternatively, you can steam your face for about five minutes after massaging with olive oil, and then wipe off the oil and sweat. This procedure loosens the scar tissue so that it can be removed easily. Finally, splash some cold water on your face. But, don't wash with soap because it dries your skin and dispels the purpose of the acne treatment.

You can also make a facial scrub by mixing the oil with the yolk of an egg, a tablespoon of sea salt and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Make a smooth paste, adding water if necessary, and apply it on the face and neck. Scrub it in a circular direction for 2-3 minutes and wash it off with warm water. The mixture gives you a multi-purpose scrub - the egg and olive oil nourish your skin, oatmeal soothes the skin with its anti-inflammatory properties, and sea salt exfoliates the skin.

You may start seeing results after about a week, with reduction in acne inflammation and improvement in your skin texture.

MIJ Sadique is specializing in skin issues and has made several studies about acne and acne remedies. You may make use of his acne treatment reviews to effectively deal with your acne and to know more about the most sought-after Clearade acne treatment.

View the original article here


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