Saturday, 15 September 2012

How Ayurveda, the Mom of All Treatment, Came Into Being

The roots of Ayurveda, the conventional medicinal practises still used these days by those believing in the system promoted by this type of substitute natural strategy on individual health and sickness, are closely related with the evolution of Hinduism, the important Native Indian belief. When the religious documents known as Vedas appeared, among other things, Ayurveda, which basically means 'the knowledge for long life' had its concepts tracked out. This points out that the natural system is even older than the Vedas, since it already seemed to be a integrated spiritual custom when described for the first time in composing. It is considered that Ayurveda is at least 5,000 years old, which makes it the earliest health system and remedies ever used by humans on the face of the earth.

The divine origin

Initially, it was believed that Ayurveda had a divine origin and could only be learned by Brahmins, who received the knowledge of healing through deep meditation, during which they communicated with the gods. Later on, the knowledge was transmitted to others as well, and members from other castes were allowed to be physicians and treat patients for various illnesses and conditions.

Rig Veda and the three doshas

The first written notes on Ayurveda can be found in Rig Veda, the oldest and the first of all Vedas. Here, the principles called doshas are explained - vatha, pitta and kapha - each one with a very specific role in maintaining the health and balance of the human body. The religious writings also mention how certain illnesses could be treated with the use of herbs. Such remedies are still in use today, like the ayurvedic treatment for hair loss that is used even in the most pretentious beauty salons.

A complex medical system

It was not until 1500 BC that Ayurveda shaped into a complex medical system with numerous branches. During that time, two important schools of thought appeared, one that belonged to physicians, and one belonging to surgeons. Despite their differences, all the sages belonging to these schools of thought originated their beliefs in the ancient writings.

The complete work

Important figures had tried to unify all that was known about Ayurveda in a complete written work, to serve as knowledge and teaching material for others. Belonging to the physician oriented school of thought, Charaka was the first man to ever succeed in doing so. He focused on identifying the causes of illness not only in internal factors, but also external factors. This could be considered a major breakthrough for Ayurveda, since all those practicing it believed that the root of all health problems was losing faith in the divine. By identifying external causes, as well, Charaka managed to enrich and enlarge the possibilities of treatment commanded by Ayurveda principles. Even ayurvedic treatment for hair loss is based on the fact that the internal imbalance can also be caused by external causes.

Decline and rebirth

Under the British rule, Ayurveda lost some of its power. However, after India became an independent state, interest regarding this ancient form of alternative medicine took off. Nowadays, ayurvedic treatments are used for prevention, addictions, rejuvenation, infertility problems, self healing, and even cosmetic treatments, with great success.

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