Thursday, 2 August 2012

The Best Home Remedy for Acne - How to Remove Pimples Naturally

Post acne scars are very troubling and not only to the young but to acne sufferers of all ages. They are very unpleasant and can have a major effect on your confidence and self-esteem. So, if you are looking for an effective way to get rid of acne spots, look no further. If you're looking for the best home remedy for acne than look no further. Here is the best treatment for pimples, known to cure acne and heal pimple marks completely.

Acne scars are marks left on the surface of the skin long after your pimples are healed. Acne is a common skin disease caused by over stimulated sebaceous glands. This over stimulation of glands is caused by your bodies hormones known as androgens and sebum which clog the sebaceous glands. Other causes include bacteria called Propionibacterium, heredity, diet, poor hygiene and use of cosmetics in excess.

Natural treatment is one of the best ways known to combat diseases. Way before you decide to consult the services of a dermatologist, you can try to cure acne at home, as well as clear the unattractive pimple marks from your face. Here are some useful home remedies for acne and scars.

Home Remedies for Acne

1. Sandalwood and Rosewater

Paste formulated from Sandalwood and Rosewater is a known and effective cure for acne. It is a miracle worker to the skin, known to heal scars and brighten skin tone. You can easily make this paste and apply it on your face once a day. The scars will gradually fade away and your skin texture and quality will improve.

2. Tomato and Cucumber

These are great for reducing scars on your skin. A mix of tomato and cucumber pulp is applied on the acne and scars on a daily basis to alleviate these problems effectively. Tomato's are a natural bleach while cucumber's are an anti-oxidant. Combined, they will make your skin scar free as well as liven it up.

3. Lime Juice

Yes, Lime juice is a remedy for acne and pimple marks. It reduces blemishes on the skin by decreasing melanin buildup. However, note that lime juice is known to produce photosensitive skin and could dry it out if used too much.

4. Date Seed and Vinegar

Make a smooth paste of date seed and vinegar then apply it on the pimple marks. Leave it for 2 to 3 hours for commendable results. Application of this paste might impede comfort but the end will justify the means. Due to this discomfort, apply it at night before you go to sleep. The paste is effective at reducing acne scars, shrinking pores and promoting skin tone.

5. Honey

Honey, applied on the face for 20 - 30 minutes, proves to be good in healing skin conditions. Apart from reducing scars and it moisturizes the skin. Special formulated honey is readily available in the market and is very good for overall health.

6. Proper Hygiene and Diet

Proper hygiene as well as a nutritious diet are two important aspects. Clean your skin properly, wash away all bacteria using anti-bacterial soap and apply moisturizing creams favorable to your skin. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, rich in minerals and vitamins that aid in repairing broken tissues, thus eliminate scars.

With the afore-mentioned best home remedy for acne, pimples and scars should no longer be an issue.

Most of us have gone through acne at some point in our lives. It is certainly a tough time for us. The best thing we can do is educate ourselves so that we can find the best solution to that problem.

My name is Thomas Serbick and besides living through acne I regularly research skin care topics such as acne, skin moles, warts, and skin tags. You can find my articles and honest reviews for the best treatment for pimples and the best home remedy for acne

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