Thursday, 2 August 2012

Know The Different Types of Acne and Treat Them Accordingly

If you've had pimples, redness and any other blemishes on your skin and face, you may already know that this is what they call acne. However, did you know that there are many different types of acne? And each of these types of acne may have different reactions when it comes to the various types of treatment available out in the market today. To help you identify what type of acne you may have and what's the best way of treating them, here are 3 of the most common acne types that most individuals suffer from.

If you've ever had pimples, red scaly skin patches, blackheads or whiteheads, these are symptoms of Acne Vulgaris. This is one of the most common types of acne and typically occurs during the adolescence stage of a person's growth. Whiteheads are actually pores that are blocked by dead skin cells. They are called as such because they are easily identified through the white spots that appear on your skin. Pimples are somewhat similar to whiteheads but they are much more inflamed causing redness in the edges of the pores. A blackhead on the other hand is seen as a black bump on the skin. The dark color is caused by melanin and its reaction to the air which gives it a darker color.

Another type is acne rosacea. These are normally seen as redness around the face. Pimples may also accompany this type of skin problem. Adults of over 30 years old are the ones who usually develop this typically cosmetic condition but those with fairer skin like Caucasians and Europeans are more prone to them. It also something that can be found more often affecting women than men. While it is usually harmless, it may develop other skin issues like small bumps on the skin, burning or stinging of the affected areas and a red and bulbous nose condition called Rhinophyma.

A third type of acne falls as severe acne issues. These can be difficult to treat and the help of a dermatologist is more often than not, necessary. Acne conglobate is a severe case of Acne Vulagris and can affect a person for most of their adult life. Other kinds of severe acne include Gram-negative folliculitis, acne fulminans and nodulocystic acne, all of which require the attention and care of a dermatologist.

Now that you have an idea of some of the types of acne problems an individual may experience. You can begin to take the right action and treatment for your skin condition. As a starting point, it is always good to consult with a dermatologist to assess your acne problem. If you're one of the many who suffer from acne vulgaris, there are many affordable and easy to use treatments available.

For pimples, whiteheads, blackheads and acne scars, you can use papaya whitening soap. It's exfoliating effects can help remove dead skin cells and clean your skin. Papaya skin whitening soap is an effective option to help you with acne vulagris symptoms and avoid aggressive chemicals that may have side effects on your skin.

Martina Gerste is an online publisher of health related websites. Click the link for more information on Papaya skin whitening

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