Saturday, 21 July 2012

Get Rid of Acne Fast At Home - 2 Tips For Treating Acne

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Acne is every teenager's worst nightmare. Imagine zits growing on your face the night before a big event like a school dance, promenade, or your graduation. Everybody wants to look their best during such special times and the quickest way to ruin them is by having pimples. Adults are also prone to acne what with the pressure and stress of daily lives. Avoid the embarrassment and discomfort of having acne while you are being interviewed for your dream job or in a meeting with your co-workers by taking simple but effective ways to get rid of acne fast.

How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

There are two effective methods of getting rid of acne. The first one, which is by freezing, is done before the pimple breaks out. When you notice a bump developing on your skin and you are quite sure that it is a pimple in the making, clean your face and rid it of oil immediately. Then place a frozen ice pack or a piece of ice wrapped in a towel or foil on the affected areas on your skin. Apply some benzoyl peroxide immediately after freezing the pimple for about ten minutes. Do this every 5 hours.

The other method involves heat and pimple that has broken out. Clean and scrub your face. Apply hot compress on the pimple for 20 to 30 minutes by using a cloth or a cotton ball dipped in hot water. Afterwards, pat dry your face with clean cloth and then gently pop the now sodden zit making sure not to push it downwards to prevent infection. Apply benzoyl peroxide on the popped zit to keep it dry and free of bacteria.

Fast Ways to Treat Pimples Naturally

One popular fast-acting pimple treatment is the use of toothpaste. For years, people have claimed that applying toothpaste (not the gel kind) on your acne at night will do wonders the next morning. Toothpaste dries the pimples up and helps lessen the swelling or inflammation which then makes the pimples less noticeable. Another effective home remedy is applying tea tree oil on the zits. Tea tree oil contains natural antibacterial substances that are useful in reducing acne and preventing more breakouts. It is believed that tea tree oil fights off the pimple-causing bacteria Propioni.

Another fast way to get rid of pimples is to use strawberry leaves on them. First, steep the washed leaves in hot water for about five minutes. After steeping, place the leaves on the affected area and leave them on for around an hour. These leaves have a high alkaline content which alleviates the swelling. And while you are at it, why not grab some strawberry fruits and put them in a blender along with raw egg white. Place some of the strawberry-egg mixture on your pimple and let it stand for around 30 minutes before you wash them off thoroughly with warm water. Both strawberry and egg white are effective in decreasing the swelling.

You can get rid of acne fast at home by using natural methods for treating acne. Get rid of acne fast by using the simple techniques you will find on

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