Saturday, 21 July 2012

Cystic Acne Cure

Cystic acne, also called the nodulocystic acne, is a severe type of acne vulgaris. This can be categorized by deep and inflamed facial or other body parts breakouts, mostly the shoulder and back. While cystic acne is defined as the severest form of acne so it is noticeable that only those who build up cysts have cystic acne.

Cysts are the skin blemishes usually equal to or somewhat bigger than pimples and feel like soft, fluid-filled bumps on the skin.

It has been examined that acne has inherited traits, apparently more frequent in those families that have a cystic acne`s history. Moreover, it is very common in teenagers and young adult men below the age of 35.

One thing important to realize about acne is that the causes of this acne are not like general acne causes. Causes of cystic acne do not include lack of facial cleanliness, drinking sodas, or poor dietary habits. These things may add more severity to the acne but are not the actual cause of cystic acne. However, acne is also not self inflicted. Cystic acne is caused by the occurrence of swollen acne blemishes when the wall of the follicle bursts, causing the infected material to seep out into dermis; the deep skin layer. Following are some of the useful treatments of acne.

Oral Antibiotics

This type of treatment usually comes in the form of pills. Doctors mostly recommend them in 3 prescriptions per month that must be completed, just like normal antibiotics. Their main act targets the P-acne bacteria and slowly kills the numbers in order to control infection.

This treatment is quite effective but this is important to know that you must disclose any kind of your antibiotic allergy to the doctor. These treatments are usually affordable and may cause minor side effects such as nausea and a little stomach distress.


You might be familiar of their commercial brand names such as RoAccutane, Isotane, Claravis or Amnesteem. Like the oral antibiotics, these are available orally in tablet or capsule form but generally at a higher price.

Surgical Removal

This is a complementary cure that deals with the physical symptoms of this condition. It is normally performed only in extremely severe cases. In this surgical procedure, the surgeon first creates little cuts and then draws the fluid off from inside the cyst cavities.

This treatment is not recommended except in the case when you are experiencing a poor facial deformation. This treatment can be costly but improvements are noticeable almost immediately.

Intralesional injections

This type of treatment involves the injection of medications into the lesions so as to reduce the size of blemish and reduce inflammation. This procedure not only deals with the external symptoms of cystic acne but also helps to heal acne scars. With this treatment, improvements are quite instant but it can be a little bit painful process with significant cost.

Finally, the symptoms of cystic acne can be reduced in order to prevent the acne to become more severe. This can be done by maintaining fine skin care practices.

Find out more info about cystic acne with my top recommended what is rosacea skin blog @

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1 comment:

  1. A change in hormonal levels is one of the common problems many people have in common is the potential to damage both the appearance of acne and can exfoliate your skin more than twice a day, it dries your skin heal faster. Since the skin surface. This also can require repeat treatments and is sometimes combined with dermabrsion. As you can use on your skin.cystic acne cure.




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