Thursday, 20 September 2012

5 Ways Of Dealing With Acne Scarring

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Acne scarring is one of the most adverse effects of the acne skin condition. Although you may have gotten rid of your acne you may be left with the unsightly effects of this condition. There are a number of ways of dealing with acne scars and the methods you use are dependent upon your preference and what works best for you skin. To determine the best approach, it may require a process of trial and error. However the following are 5 great ways you can deal with this problem.

1. The use of scar removal creams. Some products promise to remove scars but do not. The key however is to find a product that is proven to be effective in removing acne scars, based on its track record as well as on reviews from persons that have used the product in the past. Scar removal creams work well to get rid of scars, that is, if you find a good one. There are a number of great creams to do the job of removing scars, a simple Google search would help you to find a number of useful product. If your search turns up empty contact me on my blog and I'll be sure to point you in the right direction.

2. Homemade remedies, like scar removal creams, homemade remedies also work well in getting rid of scars, however these may take a much longer time before you are able to see results. The homemade remedies are endless and a little research would definitely lead you in the right direction. One of the remedies that is well known is the application of lemon juice directly on the scars. Lemon juice is said to be a natural skin lightener and may result in a reduction in the appearance of the scars overtime.

3. Skin exfoliation, the skin can be exfoliated with the use of facial scrubs. The action of scrubbing the face on a daily basis removes dead skin and produces a more youthful appearance overtime. Acne scarring can be significantly improved after embarking on a consistent regimen of daily exfoliation using a facial scrub that is not too abrasive, that is, one that has small particles. Abrasive scrubs may actually damage the skin more than improving its appearance.

4. Reducing the frequency of squeezing pimples. When we squeeze acne we rupture the skin. When the skin is ruptured it has to be repaired by healing. During the process or healing scar formation develops. It is important to note that scar formation may develop during the process of healing acne without squeezing them so it is essential not to aggravate the situation further and cause more scarring, by squeezing the face.

5. Incorporate the above 4 measures. To achieve better results in a faster time following the above 4 procedures would be very effective. Treating acne may require a collective effort since one particular way may not be as effective. Usually it takes a number of procedures working together to in order for the best results to be seen.

With this information you could now effectively deal with acne scarring once and for all.

For more information on effectively treating your acne visit my blog, and while you are there get my free eBook that will help you to manage stubborn acne once and for all.

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