Friday, 3 August 2012

How to Get Rid of Pimples Overnight Without Side Effects

There are several different methods for treating pimples, either natural home-made remedies or conventional over-the-counter medicines. Preventing pimples is often the best course of action, yet preventing the outbreak of pimples isn't always possible, so in the event of an emergency, you will need to find an effective solution to get rid of pimples quickly, and preferably overnight.

You can attempt a variety of treatments at home, with the more tried and tested home-based remedies consisting of -

Ice - Ice is one of the more effective remedies for getting rid of pimples overnight. You just need to wrap an ice cube (crushed or whole) in a thin cloth and gently apply that to the pimples on the face - leaving in place for approx 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat this process several times a day to help with reducing the signs of swelling as the ice freezes the pores and removes the oil and dirt easily.

Tea Tree Oil - A simple-to-use and effective solution for mild cases of pimples, tea tree oil is a great home remedy, which just needs to be applied at night after cleansing the face.

Toothpaste - A popular and well-known home-based remedy for clearing pimples. Using plain white toothpaste (avoid the gel-type pastes), apply a small drop of paste to each of the pimples just before bedtime, with the toothpaste left in place until the morning. After washing the face the next morning, you should see a noticeable improvement in the size and redness of the pimples. Toothpaste can be used at anytime of the day, it doesn't need to be left until bed time, but just make sure that when applied, it remains in place for at least 30 to 45-minutes.

Steaming - Use steam as a non-aggressive method to remove dirt, dust and oil from pores. Let the steam do its work for 2 to 3 minutes, than afterwards rinse the face with tepid water - applying an oil free moisturizer after a steaming session can help to place the lost moisture.

Lemon Juice - Similar to tea tree oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice is a terribly simple, yet effective method for curing pimples at night whilst you sleep. Just cleaning the face as normal at night, than apply the juice to the pimples, leaving it to dry overnight.

Honey and Cinnamon - Mix the honey and cinnamon together to create a pleasant smelling paste, this is then applied to the face just before bed time, leaving it in place overnight. In the morning make sure to wash the face well as this combination of ingredients is going to be very sticky.

If you would prefer to take your pimple cleansing routine a step further, you can try some of the over-the-counter medications for cleaning mild cases of pimples overnight. Some of the more popular choices consist of -

Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic based products - A number of highly recommended medicines are available to purchase to help in cleaning up a pimple prone complexion. Avoid over applying these types of products and make sure to abide by the instructions detailed on the packaging. Popular brands include Clearasil with their Acne Treatment Cream, which is a powerful formulation for fighting pimples or Noxzema with their Clean Blemish Control Daily Scrub, which helps to quickly dry up active pimples as well as to prevent new pimples developing.

Sulfur Masks - A sulfur mask is a deep-penetrating cleansing cream that is needs to be gently massaged into the skin, which helps to soothe the pimple prone areas of the face.

If you suffer from pimples, it will certainly help to know the best procedures on how to get rid of pimples overnight for a smooth and clear complexion.

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