Saturday, 21 July 2012

Oatmeal - An Effective Acne Remedy

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Perhaps, you've heard of natural and home remedies for acne, but haven't thought of giving them a try. Many people are not easily convinced that a chronic and dire condition like acne can be treated with such simple remedies. Well, why not give it a try instead of brooding over condition, jumping from one acne treatment to another? Even a bowl of your favorite breakfast cereal can solve the problem for you! Yes, an inviting bowl of wholesome oatmeal can work wonders for you. Read on to see how it works and you'll surely try it out!

Oatmeal is not only a healthy food, which will work from inside to nourish your skin, but also forms an effective facemask to treat your skin from the outside. Though you're more familiar with instant oats, there are other varieties, such as rolled oats, steel-cut oats and oat bran that have high fiber content. There are 16.5 grams of fiber in a cup of oats. What has that to do with acne? Fiber slows your digestion and maintains a stable level of glucose and insulin in your blood. Studies show that high insulin levels aggravate inflammation, which is the main reason for acne. Oats contains antioxidant polyphenols, which are known to inhibit inflammation and hence reduce irritation. An anti-inflammatory diet must contain a lot of fiber because it prevents insulin rises. Isn't irritation and itching a major concern with acne, and also a side effect of most topical medications that you've tried? Yes! So, you're convinced that a healthy meal of oats can help in acne removal. Try it yourself, but remember that you should drink more water if you increase fiber intake.

Now, let's see how oats works as a facemask. Do you know the three acne-inviting conditions namely, oily skin, bacterial growth on the skin, and excessive dead skin cells? Oats fights all three conditions, i.e. it absorbs the excess oil, removes bacteria and exfoliates the skin of dead cells. It is also an astringent, meaning that it constricts the pores and cleanses the skin. When you wear it as a mask, it soothes your skin and eliminates the irritation, which is typical of acne. So, you can't wait to try it! You can prepare a mask by dissolving colloidal oatmeal in water or just cooking oatmeal. Colloidal oatmeal is nothing but finely milled oatmeal. If you're using cooked oatmeal, leave to cool for a while. Spread the mixture on your face and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. You may add tea tree oil or honey to increase the effectiveness of the mask. There are oatmeal soaps and colloidal oatmeal baths that can help soothe your entire skin and not just your face.

A wholesome acne treatment is not just about following cleansing routines or applying facemasks. Your lifestyle counts. Maintain a balanced diet, drink enough water and try acne vitamins. Go through Clearade reviews to learn how right doses of Vitamin B5 can correct the oil metabolism in your skin and pave the path for a natural acne cure. There's growing evidence that the inflammatory nature of some diets contribute to acne. So, check your diet and seek your dermatologist's advice on including or excluding any food groups. If you're allergic to oatmeal, there are still plenty of other natural acne remedies. And, finally, don't be in a hurry; patience and consistency are the keys to positive results.

MIJ Sadique is specializing in skin issues and has made several studies about acne and acne remedies. You may make use of his acne treatment reviews to effectively deal with your acne and to know more about the most sought-after Clearade acne treatment.

View the original article here


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