Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Simple Tips To Keep Your Face Clear From Acne

Simple Tips To Keep Your Face Clear From Acne

You may not know that acne problem is considered as one of the skin diseases. Not everyone has similar acne problem. Acne might be worse for certain people. It really depends on many factors, such as skin condition, genetics, and many more. More than fifty percent people in the world have this problem. That is the reason why there is a huge market potential for acne treatments. If you have acne, read on this article to get some ideas to treat this common skin problem.

1. Get enough Sunlight

You should spend some time to do sun bathing. It is very effective to help you clearing up your acne. Sun exposure, as long as you do it correctly, is very effective to dry out your skin. Just make sure that you do not burn your skin excessively. When you do this treatment, you might notice that your skin looks a little bit worse because your face looks oily. Don't worry about it. Your face will be much clearer within a few weeks later.

2. Use Tea Bags

You can simple use the tea bags from jasmine or chamomile tea to treat your acne. You just need to take a tea bag and put it on the problem area to reduce the swelling and redness. You can see the result in less than a day of use.

3. Reduce Your Stress Level

Try to reduce your stress level as much as possible. Stress is one of the major factors in acne problem. I really recommend you to try some meditation or yoga to reduce your stress level. Music is also very effective to help you get relieved from your stress.

4. Use Salicylic Acid

Use acne products containing salicylic acid to treat your acne. When salicylic acid is combined with beta hydroxyl acids, it can help you to remove the dry skin much easier. As the result you will see better and clearer skin.

5. Zinc

Zinc is one of the good supplement that you need to take to treat your acne. It has capabilities to control some free radicals on your skin. You can get zinc supplement very easily from your local pharmacist. I really recommend you to take zinc supplement at least once a day to reduce your acne.

Those tips are really helpful for you to get rid of your acne effectively. You should do those tips regularly to get the best result.

Here are some other acne treatment reviews that you can use to treat your acne. You can learn how to get clear skin fast in this website.

More review at and

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